To celebrate the international women’s day The UNESCO Centre “The Law and Migration” Organizes a round table on “Women Migrants and the Law”, On Saturday, 16 March 2013, In Rabat (Morocco) at the Bar Association club.
Migrant women are of different categories: emigrants and immigrants, internal and international migrants, voluntary and forced, regular and irregular. They have got different legal statuses and various problems. The law governing them needs to be known and analyzed by Migration Law Specialists To commemorate the international women’s day (the 8th of March), the UNESCO Centre “The Law and Migration” starts its first activity, after its recent creation, by gathering migration law practitioners and scholars to discuss the theme “Women Migrants and the Law” on Saturday 16 March 2013 in Rabat at the Bar Association club, based in rue Afghanistan, Océan. In doing so, the UNESCO Centre “The Law and Migration” is continuing the custom of celebrating the main international days by a meeting relating to migrants’ right, which was introduced before by the various institutions the Centre has replaced and notably the UNESCO Chair “Migration and Human Rights” and the Moroccan NGO “Migration and the Law”.
Three themes will be debated during this 16 March meeting:
- Women Migrant and Justice;
- Immigrant Women and the Law;
- Moroccan Emigrant women and the Law
The round table will be an opportunity for the participants to analyses the law applicable to the different types of migrant women and its implementation, to talk about experiences of migrant women or with migrant women, to present life testimonies and to confront ideas relating to the theme of the meeting.
The Organizing Comitee
- Advocate and Law Professor
- Director of the UNESCO Centre “The Law and Migration”
- Tenure of the UNESCO Chair “Migration and Human Rights” before
- Phone: 212 (6) 68 89 60 00 // (6) 61 31 10 42
- Email : khadijaelmadmad@yahoo.fr
- Advocate,
- Previous Judge
- Member of the Governing Board of the UNESCO Centre “The Law and Migration”
- Phone: 212 (6) 61 81 56 24,
- Email : Jaouad.idrissiqaitoni@gmail.com
- Law Professor
- Coordinator of the Research Postgraduate Programme on “Migration and Human Rights”
- Faculty of Law, University Hassan I, Settat, Morocco
- Member of the Governing Board of the UNESCO Centre “The Law and Migration”
- Phone : 212 (6) 61 09 23 87 // 06 60 12 43 54
- Email : drfatima.meslohi@gmail.com
To commemorate the international women’s day The UNESCO Centre “The Law and Migration” Organizes a round table on
“Women Migrants and the Law”
On Saturday, 16 March 2013
In Rabat at the Bar Association club
9h30 Opening
10h – 10h30 Women Migrant and Justice
Judge, Doctor in Law
10h 30 – 11h Debate
11h – 11h 30 Immigrant Women and the Law
Advocate, Rabat Bar Association
11h30 – 12h Debate
12h – 12h30 Pause
12h30 – 13h Moroccan Emigrant women and the Law
Abdessadek SIKAOUI,
General Consul previously
13 h – 13h30 Closing