To celebrate the International Human Rights Day
The International Migrants’ Day
The UNESCO Centre « The Law and Migration » (CUDM)
In collaboration with the NGO « Migrants Women’s Voice in Morocco » (VFMM)
A Round Table on
The Moroccan New Immigration Policy and
The Regularization of Women and Children: Assessment and Prospects
In Rabat, on Saturday 19th December 2015
Introductory Note
In September 2013, Morocco decided, at a high level, to adopt of new immigration policy which is more humane and more solidary and in conformity with the provisions of the new Constitution of the Kingdom as well as its international commitments in the field of human rights and migrants’ rights.
One of the main components of this new immigration policy is the regularization of irregular immigrants.
The regularization operations lasted throughout the year 2014. Many of the persons who have benefited from these operations were women and children
Taking this opportunity, the CUDM and the VFMM have chosen to commemorate the International Human Rights Day (10 December) and the International Migrants Day (18 December) by organizing a meeting on “The New Moroccan Immigration Policy and the Regularization of Women and Children: Results and Prospects “, on Saturday 19 December, 2015, from 9 am to 13 pm, in Rabat, at the Bar Association Club, located in Ocean, in Afghanistan street. The aim of this meeting is to assess the result of these special regularizations for women and children, to discuss the problems faced and to reflect on the future prospects
Program of the meeting
9.00 – 9.30: Registration of the participant s
9.30 – 10.00 Opening session
Moderator: Khadija Elmadmad
Law Professor, Advocate and Director CUDM
10.00 – 10.20: Regularizing irregular immigrants: Why and How
Fatima Meslohi
Law Professor at University Hassan the First in Settat and the CUDM Secretary General
10.20 – 10.40: The Result of the Regularizations for Women and Children
Helène Mariam Yamta
President of the Association “Migrant Women’s Voice in Morocco”
10.40 – 10. 55: Testimony of a migrant woman from sub-Saharan Africa
10.55 – 11.10: Testimony of a migrant woman from Asia
10.10 – 11. 25: Testimony of a migrant woman from the Middle East
10.25 – 11.35: Coffee break
11.35 – 12. 35: Debate
12.35 – 12. 50: Report and Recommendations
Dr. Abderrahim Kound and Dr. Rachida Cherifi
Members of the CUDM Executive Committee
12.50 – 13. 00: Closing session
Steering committee
- Mohammed Jaouad Idrissi Qaitoni
Phone:, Email: jaouad.idrissiqaitoni@gmail.com
- Professor Khadija Elmadmad
Phone:, E mail: khadijaelmadmad@gmail.com
- Madame Helène Mariam Yamta
Phone:, Email: babaghizlor@yahoo.fr